Deepshikha Puri, the young Indian Entrepreneur heading the mobile development trade from years to successive extent, has worked with numerous clients and many tremendous brands in this industry of mobile encompassing in India and overseas maintaining promising work relationships with each of them with an impression to manage it's whole thing.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Video Demo: Firebase provide a authentication facility to a application or web user to login with their Facebook, Google, Twitter etc account. In this article, I would like to talk about Google Authentication using Firebase in react native android application. DOWNLOAD SOURCE CODE FROM HERE. Project Setup Steps->  Step 1-> To...

Sunday, February 17, 2019

VIDEO DEMO: Firebase provide a various features such as Real time database, Custom Authentication, Facebook and Google Authentication, notification etc. In Firebase we don't required any server side configuration such as PHP, JavaScript etc. In tutorial we can going to learn how to integrate the Firebase in react native projects.  YOU...

Monday, February 11, 2019

Video Demo: Basically a Flatlist is a view of group that illustrates the data in a horizontal or vertical scrollable view. In react native Listview is deprecated, so most of the time FlatList is used in react. FlatList is  similar as ListView. In this tutorial we are going to learn how to work with FlatList in react native. DOWNLOAD SOURCE...