Deepshikha Puri, the young Indian Entrepreneur heading the mobile development trade from years to successive extent, has worked with numerous clients and many tremendous brands in this industry of mobile encompassing in India and overseas maintaining promising work relationships with each of them with an impression to manage it's whole thing.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Video Demo: TabLayout provides a horizontal layout to display tabs. We can show the number of layout in single screen. In this tutorial I am using the two fragments to shows the tab data. DOWNLOAD SOURCE CODE FROM BELOW: activity_main.xml:;LinearLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="" ...

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Video Demo: In this tutorial, I am creating a demo of expandable listview with search bar. Expandable listview is used to show the data according to particular category. You can expand or collapse the data of particular group. To search the data I am using the TextWatcher. DOWNLOAD SOURCE CODE FROM BELOW activity_main.xml: <RelativeLayout...