Deepshikha Puri, the young Indian Entrepreneur heading the mobile development trade from years to successive extent, has worked with numerous clients and many tremendous brands in this industry of mobile encompassing in India and overseas maintaining promising work relationships with each of them with an impression to manage it's whole thing.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Video Demo: I am using PdfDocument to create the pdf file in android programmatically. The PdfDocument is only work on 21 or above api level. But if you want to show the pdf file in your activity then you have to add the following dependency in your gradle file.: compile 'com.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer:2.0.3' activity_main.xml: <?xml...

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Video Demo: Now we can use PdfDocument to generate the pdf file. But PdfDocument only works in 21 or above api level. In this tutorial I have created the pdf file with image and text. Download source code from here. AndroidManifest.xml:     package="com.deepshikha.generatepdf">                ...